I see you.
I recognize the sadness in your eyes.
I feel the ache of your broken heart.
I’ve known the anguish and misery
after the death of a loved one;
not knowing how to continue living
in a world without them.

I’ve been on this journey a while now.
I remember how dark, treacherous,
and hopeless this road first felt.
I endured pain so big and heavy
it crushed the person I once was.
I see you there, suffering under
the insurmountable weight of grief.

Come and sit with me a while.
Share your story of loss, shed tears,
and let me help carry your grief.
Mine doesn’t feel heavy anymore,
and I can offer you a brief rest and
some relief from your intense pain.
Even if just for a moment or two.

Express all your feelings of torment
hidden from the rest of the world.
I’ll bear witness as someone who has
cried the tears that fill your eyes.
I’ll share with you all I’ve learned
to help lighten the burden of grief;
and not just survive, but thrive again.

Walk this path alongside me;
I’ll help you navigate your journey.
I can guide and offer you some hope.
Not the hopes and dreams you lost
when your loved one died.
New hope for a life that transforms
misery into memories and love.

Inspired by and dedicated to the people and programs of New Hope Grief Support in Long Beach, California.